As soon as you hang up, we process the recording and push it to your phone within seconds. It may take slightly longer to process recordings longer than 30 minutes. TapeACall processes your recording by automatically removing any silence from the beginning of your recording so your recording begins playing the moment someone starts talking.
Recordings are stored within our secure servers which is tied to your account. To access them, tap the play button which is located under the red button you would use to record calls.
On your Recordings list, simply swipe left across a recording that you want to label. Press the grey “Label” button and name your recording anything you’d like.
On your Recordings list, simply swipe left across a recording that you want to delete and press the red “Delete” button.
As many as you want! We don't have a limit on the number of recordings you can make.
As long as you want! We don't have a limit on how long your recording can be. You can record for hours if you want.
Yes, and we've made it extremely easy to do this. Simply select a recording then tap the arrow button to the right of the player. This will show a screen containing a number of ways to share your recording. The most popular ways to transfer recordings to your computer are by email, Dropbox or Google Drive.
If your phone number changes, your recordings will remain attached to the account registered to your original phone number. To have your recordings transferred to your new account, please email
No recordings will be lost, even if you lose or change phones. Your recordings are stored in the cloud, not on your device, for safekeeping.
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